(For a more complete listing of articles and books that discuss William Crossman’s ideas, search your favorite search engines for keywords: vivo [voice-in/voice-out]; compspeak; william crossman; talking computers.)
Book review of VIVO [Voice-In/Voice-Out]: The Coming Age of Talking Computers, by Jesse Luscious, in MAXIMUMROCKNROLL magazine, issue 263, April 2005. For copy: www.maximumrocknroll.com.
“Programmers strive to make computers more understanding,” by Francine Brevetti, in Oakland Tribune newspaper, February 14, 2005; includes William Crossman’s views on talking computers. For copy: www.insidebayarea.com/portlet/article/html
Book review of VIVO [Voice-In/Voice-Out]: The Coming Age of Talking Computers, in The Futurist magazine, November-December, 2004. For copy: www.wfs.org/revcrossmannd04.htm
Book review of VIVO [Voice-In/Voice-Out]: The Coming Age of Talking Computers, in Future Survey, November, 2004, Vol. 26, No. 11. For copy: www.wfs.org/fsrvnov04.htm
VIVO [Voice-In/Voice-Out]: The Coming Age of Talking Computers, book by William Crossman, September 2004; publisher: Regent Press, Oakland, California. ISBN: 1-58790-100-5; 229 pages with bibliography and index. For info & to order: www.regentpress.net
Letter from William Crossman to Salon.com replying to “Are We Doomed Yet?” Sheldon Pacotti’s critique of Crossman’s views of the future of talking computers and text/written language; April 16, 2003. For copy: http://archive.salon.com/tech/letters/2003/04/16/doomed/
“The arrival of Talking Computers and the End of Literacy–A 20-Year Forecast,” by William Crossman, in TNTY Futures, publication of the Next 20 Years Series; September 11, 2001. For copy: www.tnty.com/newsletter/futures/lifestyle.html.
“Fair To Partly Grim–Futurists Make Their Forecasts,” by Mark Johnson, in The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 1, 2001. Article discusses presentations at 2001 World Future Society conference, including William Crossman’s. For copy: www.jsonline.com.
“Emerging Trends of Interest,” in Corporate Public Issues And Their Management; article describes some presentations on business futures applications at the World Future Society conference July 29-31, 2001, including William Crossman’s CompSpeak 2050 views. For copy: Info@IssueManagement.org.
“CompSpeak 2050: How Talking Computers Will Recreate an Oral Culture by Mid-21st Century.” Article by William Crossman in Proceedings of the 14th CAETS Convocation: World Forests and Technology. June, 2001. Published by the Finnish Academies of Technology for the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences. Obtain copy at facte@facte.com.
“Kirjoittamisen viimeinen vuosisata?”, article by Maria Salonen, in Tiede magazine, Helsinki, Finland, 6/2001, pages 46-49. For copy: www.tiede.net.
“Is William Crossman reciting the last rites for text and books?” by Timo Paukku, in Helsingen Sanomat newspaper (Helsinki, Finland), June 16, 2001. A report of William Crossman’s presentation to the Finland Futures Research Centre, Helsinki, Finland on June 15, 2001. Also includes a commentary on the presentation by computer consultant Risto Linturi. To download a copy: www.helsinki-hs.net/news.asp?id=20010619IE8.
“These Emerging Technologies Will Change Public Libraries,” by John Guscott, in Library Futures Quarterly, May 1, 2001. Article discusses various views on libraries and technology, including William Crossman’s CompSpeak 2050 ideas. For copy: www.libraryfutures.com/freereports/technology.htm.
“Futurologi William Crossman: Puhuttu kieli tulee syrjayttamaan kirjoitetun,” article by Inkeri Aalto, in Kasi kadessa, a mental health magazine, Helsinki, Finland, 4/2001, page 26. For copy: www.mtkl.fi.
“Milloin tietokoneet puhuvat?” article by Elina Hiltunen, in UAI magazine, Helsinki, Finland, 4/2001, page 11. For copy: www.uailehti.com.
“How Talking Computers Will Recreate an Oral Culture by Mid-21st Century,” article by William Crossman in Futura, the journal of the Finnish Society for Futures Studies. 2/2001, pages 6-16. Includes commentary by Risto Linturi. For copy: www.futurasociety.fi.
“The Future of Machines,” in Consumer Trends Report, January, 2001. Article discusses views of Ray Kurzweil and William Crossman. For copy: www.trendsinstitute.com.
“2001: How a 1968 vision is holding up,” by Paul Gottbrath, The Cincinnati Post newspaper, January 1, 2001. Article discusses the film “2001–A Space Odyssey” and its talking computer, HAL, in the context of recent advances in computer technology. Includes the views of various scientists and thinkers, including William Crossman. For info: www.cincinnatipost.com/news/space010101.html.
“Computers Tipped to Replace Writing,” by Amanda Wells, in InfoTech Weekly newspaper, New Zealand, Mar. 20, 2000. Reports on William Crossman’s presentation to the (e)vision Digital Media Centre for Communication Art and Technology, Wellington, New Zealand. Obtain copy at www.infotech.co.nz or amanda.wells@wln.co.nz. Reprinted on Braillorette website, which features articles for and about people who are sightless. www.sabwo.org.za. Also reprinted in The Canadian Blind Monitor, Voice of the National Federation of the Blind, Advocates for Equality, Vol. 10 Winter/Spring 2001 www.nfbae.ca/canmon13.txt.
“CompSpeak 2050: How Talking Computers Will Completely Change Teaching, Learning and Everything Else in the 21st Century,” by William Crossman; in Proceedings of the TechEd 2000 Conference, March 6-8, 2000. To obtain a copy, go to www.TechEd2000.org.
“What Does the Future Hold?” by David J. Martin, Executive Director, Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), in URISA News, Jan./Feb. 2000. Reprinted in Florida Planning, April 2000, publication of Florida chapter of The American Planning Association. Describes breakthrough predictions for the new century, including William Crossman’s CompSpeak 2050. For copies: www.urisa.org or www.floridaplanning.org.
“My Millennial Prediction: Reading may become unnecessary, but it will never be undesirable,” by Walter Minkel; in School Library Journal, Jan. 2000. Includes a critique of William Crossman’s views. Access article at www.schoollibraryjournal.com/articles.
“Astonishing Predictions,” article by Lex Hemphill, in The Salt Lake (UT) Tribune; January 2, 2000. Discusses futurists’ predictions, including William Crossman’s CompSpeak 2050 views. For copy: click on Archives at www.sltrib.com.
“Forward Thinking/Communications,” by Kathryn Balint; in The San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper, January 2, 2000. Features the views of William Crossman and Dr. Peter Bishop, executive director of the Institute for Futures Research at the University of Houston. Go to Archives at www.uniontribune.com.
“The End of Written Language,” by William Crossman, in the Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald Newspaper’s Sunday Magazine, “GoodWeekend,” January 1, 2000, Millennium issue, pages 24-25. www.archive.fairfax.com.au
“Will Computers Outsmart us in 2050?” by Tim McLaughlin; in Boston Herald newspaper, January 1, 2000. Features William Crossman’s views on VIVOs and CompSpeak 2050. www.bostonherald.com
“The Coming Age of Talking Computers,” by William Crossman; in The Futurist, December, 1999; Vol. 33, No.10. Published by World Future Society www.wfs.org.
“Crystal Ball Drops On a New Century, Visionaries see a world changing at warp speed,” by Helen Kennedy; in New York Daily News newspaper, December 29, 1999. Features the views of physicist Stephen Hawking, inventor Ray Kurzweil, astronaut Jim Lovell, internet pioneer Vint Cerf, bioethicist Art Caplan, and William Crossman. Go to Archives at www.nydailynews.com.
“Forcasting the Future,” by Ganesh Markale, Nov. 15, 1999; on CIOL-India website. Describes the view of William Crossman and others. www.ciol.com/content/columns/future.
“Written On The Wind,” by William Crossman; in Community College Week Newspaper, May 17, 1999, pages 6-8, (Volume 11, No. 21). Features his views on how talking computers will affect teaching, learning, and education in the 21st Century. www.ccweek.com.
“CompSpeak 2050: How Talking Computers Will Recreate an Oral Culture by Mid-21st Century,” by William Crossman; in new anthology entitled Frontiers of the 21st Century: Prelude to the New Millennium, 1999, edited by Howard F. Didsbury, Jr.; available from the World Future Society, www.wfs.org.
“A computer for anyone who can talk,” MediaMente Italian TV; transcript of interview with William Crossman, July 20, 1998. www.mediamente.rai.it, go to home page, click on <digital library>, then click<c> and scroll to Crossman.